Dave Walker's Guestbook

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March 16th 2006
10:10:22 AM
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My mum. Eileen from Sandgate RSL

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Site was difficult to find but informative once here.
My mum thinks you are the best.

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April 14th 2005
10:32:14 PM
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Lesley Hawes

How did you find this Web Site?  

from you

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Do you have any comments?  

Hi Dave, Geoff has given us his cast-off computer so we are now on-line at home. Look forward to seeing you again soon.

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February 27th 2005
07:27:48 AM
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How did you find this Web Site?  

Dave told me

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Hi Dave site starting to look good havent heard you sing but enjoy going for ride with you mate

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February 5th 2005
07:59:42 AM
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Peta & Darren

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from Ian& Sharon

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looking forward to catching you at a club near us soon

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January 30th 2005
03:46:06 PM
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Debra Williams

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Kylie's websites great, Can you personally book the league for the 10th of december. And let me know on wednesday, thank you.

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December 31st 2004
07:53:12 AM
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I´m from Germany - a Country Singer. I found the Midi-File"He drinks Tequila".It´s great,a very good File !
Please send me the full version -Thanks

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November 8th 2004
02:53:15 PM
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Ivor & Di

How did you find this Web Site?  

Through you personaly

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Just Friends

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Do you have any comments?  

We will have to catch up for that drink soon, in the meantime keep up the good work and the GREAT midi's.

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December 22nd 2003
07:35:36 PM
What is your name?  

carmel twine

How did you find this Web Site?  

from you dave

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Do you have any comments?  

Keep up the good work dave, we all love ya at Sandgate R.S.L GAYTHORN NUNDAH just give it your best as you always do

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August 15th 2003
12:49:48 PM
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Your sister Lisa

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haven't really had time to check it out proprely

Do you have any comments?  

I haven't heard your music as yet, Lisa tells me you are quiet good thou. I'll have to borrow your CD off her and have a listen.

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August 8th 2003
07:54:02 AM
What is your name?  

Keri Robertson

How did you find this Web Site?  

general search for midis

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Do you have any comments?  

Good clean sequences.
Keep up the good work.

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