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Re: Lawrence Of Olympia

Hi Andy & all!
What a wonderfull story and memorabillia. You won't forget this for the rest of your life (unless you get Alzheimer).

In fact I met Lawrence in Madrid, but before (9 years ago) in Paris at La fleche d'Ór...Jarvis Cocker and Phill King DJ'ing. I remenber talking with the band and asking if Lawrence didn't have an agent or something and Gary Ainge LOL'ing in my face, like if I just have said the greater impossibility in the world

About the site. Lawrence asked were did I harvested all the information but back then he wasn't not to interested.

Lawrence is a lovely person to meet, but I don't know if he's too serious about this site thing...probably it's just whishful thinking. He knows "where I live" and how to get in touch. I'm always in touch with Phil King...so it's quite easy.

But hey! always glad to help.

Many thanks for sharing Andy

Re: Lawrence Of Olympia

Precious!!! marvellous quotation!

"We had a hard enough time talking Lawrence out of VHS"