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some people are so stupid.at one of my daughters killers hearings two of his sisters were actually wearing shirts with the killers picture on it saying "free vincent" i thought id rip their heads off. they also were treating us like we did something wrong. whats wrong with these people.. i cant even believe another person would go through the same ignorant behavior as i did. they called me names they still talk *&^% about it. they said i killed my daughter when she was taken off life support. they are sick individuals and god dont like ugly. i am so sorry you have to go through that it makes the whole process even harder.


OMG I cannot even imagine how they could support him killing a baby. What kind of excuse do they think he should have for that? He was a grown man who killed an innocent baby. I guess seeing that from his family, you know where that evil came from. He hid it well from you for those years. I just don't even understand how his family could support that. They are mad at you because as long as you kept her on life support he wouldn't be charged with murder. I cannot imagine it was easy to remove her from it. I cannot even imagine having to make that decision though I have a few friends who did have to. I am so sorry that cowardly person put you in that position.
I used to say that I never wanted anyone to have to feel this because it would mean losing their child themselves. I don't say that anymore. Maybe the "justice" system has jaded me because it did not give Kaylin justice. I do wish that the mothers of murderers who do not tell their child to accept responsibility for their actions would have to feel this. A family who is truly sorry for what their child did and who tells them they have to pay for it and they will be there through it for them, I wouldn't say that about, but those whose families add to our pain by hurting us, I do wish it. After going through this system and seeing how no one cares about the victim and seeing that the killers have all the rights, well I don't think it is right. The coward who killed Kaylin never showed one moment of remorse. His defense was that he panicked. Yeah after 12 hours he panicked and then got over it in time to go swimming at his friends house so he could pick up some girls. Selective panicking I guess. It is frightening to me that he has no remorse at all. That is just scary.
We wore the shirts Shirley made for us to sentencing and I don't think they liked it but I DON"T CARE!!!


yeah and they acted like i even had a choice to keep her on support. Laycee was beaten so badly her head was so swollen that she suffered brain death before she reached the hospital.I do hope that they do somehow get paid back for how they were. The bad part is i was really close to all his family before this all happened, and they still reacted in the most ignorant ways possible.