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Outsideleft.com interview

The M.D. interview is number one in the top 25 Outsidleft stories of 2018 so far.


Re: Outsideleft.com interview

Nice, although maybe not so surprising (that said, I don't know what it's been up against, not really having had much of a poke around on the Outside Left site to see what else is there). The MD interview was definitely a welcome bolt from the blue when it appeared, and almost certainly of greater importance to Felt fans such as myself, whose interest in the band overwhelmingly centers around the Deebank/Cherry Red era, than the interviews that Lawrence gave at the time of the first wave of Felt reissues (although those were great too, especially the long one he did with James Endeacott on Soho Radio). Not a lot of Maurice-related stuff ever makes it into the public domain, so you end up cherishing the bits and pieces that do.

Re: Outsideleft.com interview

Well said Rich.

I tried to interview MD. My idea revolved around creation processes, musical influences, etc. and not really about personal affairs, that he always kept (and well in my opinion) to himself.
With no success, but with respect for his point of view.
It's quite a priviledge.

Let's hope some day he's willing to chat and talk a little bit more about music.

Re: Outsideleft.com interview

I re-read this the other night whilst listening to the re-issued 7" singles.

It's really interesting. MD is much more forthright than I would have expected, bearing in mind the silence since he left Felt.

And I'll confess to being struck by the similarities in the turns of phrase he uses to this forum's Nigel Silver :grinning: