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Veterinary Question and Answer
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Misty Leg

My weimaraner is 4 years old. She got hit by a car and is in critical conditon at my vet now. I love her so much. They said if she makes it they will probaly have to appiate her leg due to nerve damage. My question is can I do anything for her to help with the nerve damage. Do they do accipuncher or anything you can think of???????

Re: Misty Leg

Sorry to hear about your pet.

Obviously the most important thing is to get her back to a stable condition . . . and I hope she is there right now.

You can worry about the leg later. Yes, accupuncture is an option but if the nerves are severely traumatized then there is little chance that it will work. You should definitely consult with a neurologist before you make any decisions about an amputation.

I had one patient with severe nerve damage after being hit by a car. She never did regain the use of her leg but the owners did not want to pursue an amputation. They said that it helped her balance and she used it to hold her treats. Occasionally she would chew on her foot so it was constantly bandaged. The dog certainly seemed happy enough.

I really hope she does okay.

Best of luck