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Sorry it has taken me a while to reply to you. I have been having computer problems!

You may have already sorted out your dilemmas. With a puppy, she should be fine with the birds as long as you teach her how to treat them properly. In other words, you want to reinforce the puppy's good behavior (sitting, no aggression, not overly enthusastic, no pawing etc.) when you have a bird close by. You definitely want to introduce them slowly and have the puppy on a leash so you can see how she will react and pull her back if she becomes too excited. Have a treat ready and give her one if she demonstrates calm behavior. She will likely be curious (i.e. sniffing) which is okay, as long as she doesn't do anything beyond that. I think the puppy will do great but don't rush things.

And you certainly can buy her a puppy jacket. They have great clothes for pups nowadays!

good luck with her.
