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Veterinary Question and Answer
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Looking for a vet

Coming to Las Vegas soon and looking for a vet for our animals. Do you believe in animal spirit? Not in a traditional religious sense. There are no Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, or Hindu dogs to my knowledge.....Cats may be Buddhists, but they haven't said anything to me yet.

Re: Looking for a vet

That is a really good question. I do believe that animals have a "spirit" . . . I think their spirit allows some animals to bond so closely with their human caregivers. In wild animals, the spirit gives them the desire to be free.

Religion is something created by humans and thank goodness, animals have stayed away from that! (But if cats were into religion, I think they would adopt the zen philosophy . . . )


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Replying to:

Coming to Las Vegas soon and looking for a vet for our animals. Do you believe in animal spirit? Not in a traditional religious sense. There are no Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, or Hindu dogs to my knowledge.....Cats may be Buddhists, but they haven't said anything to me yet.