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Veterinary Question and Answer
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On your website you asked if anyone has used the litterfree litter box. My husband and I have 4 cats and use this box. It is great! The litter is cleaned 3x a day, the cats use it, and we don't have to deal with the foulness of cleaning a litter box. We've had it almost a year and have had no problems. I would suggest this box for everyone, the only downside is the price.

Re: litterfree

Thanks for your input. I have heard good things about litterfree from other people.


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Replying to:

On your website you asked if anyone has used the litterfree litter box. My husband and I have 4 cats and use this box. It is great! The litter is cleaned 3x a day, the cats use it, and we don't have to deal with the foulness of cleaning a litter box. We've had it almost a year and have had no problems. I would suggest this box for everyone, the only downside is the price.

Re: Re: litterfree

Re: Re: Re: litterfree

I'll look into it. I wasn't aware of anything happening to litterfree. It doesn't look so good though . . . .