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I want a dog

Dr. Phil,

I would love to have a small dog, but I can be away from home some days up to twelve hours or more. Is there a breed that you would recommend that does good on its own for several hours? I have not gotten one yet because I would feel guilty leaving it alone for so long. Suggestions? PS: I'm not so much a cat person.

Re: I want a dog

Have you considered a hampster?

There aren't any dog breeds which I can recommend that do well while their owners are away for that length of time. Some of the more independent breeds MAY do okay if they have a doggie door and possibly another dog to keep them company. One of the reasons why I chose a Chow as my first dog was because they are so independent, which worked out well while I was in school. Other more independent (small) breeds are the Shiba Inu, Scottish Terrier, Cairn Terrier, some Schnauzers and the Basenji. You would also want to choose an older dog. There is no way you would be able to train a puppy being away for so many hours.

And consider a cat. Cats are (for the most part) very low maintenance and some are "dog like"--which may be an insult to the cats. They will retrieve objects and be very affectionate when you're around. When you're out, they sleep. The Rex cats tend to behave in this manner.

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Replying to:

Dr. Phil,

I would love to have a small dog, but I can be away from home some days up to twelve hours or more. Is there a breed that you would recommend that does good on its own for several hours? I have not gotten one yet because I would feel guilty leaving it alone for so long. Suggestions? PS: I'm not so much a cat person.