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Re: Work Experience

So . . . are you sure you want to move here?

I say that because I'm leaving Las Vegas in about a month. It's not that I hate it here (there's plenty to like), it's just time for me to leave.

I don't know your situation so it's hard for me to give you specific information. For example, are you 100% sure that you are going to move out here? What part of town are you thinking about moving to? Are you a licensed tech or have you looked into getting licensed in NV? Would you like to work in a smaller clinic or would you like to work in a referral setting or an emergency hospital?

I can tell you that vets are pretty desperate for licensed techs in this town and I don't think that will change in the next year or so. Even if you are not licensed but experienced, you should be able to find a very good job in any part of town.

I think your first step is to come out here and see if you like the city. I hope you like stinkin', dry heat and LOTS and LOTS of people and traffic. You also must tolerate (or enjoy,as the case may be) the gambling environment. Many people raise families here but quite frankly, I'm not sure why. This city isn't exactly family friendly.

If you like the positives and can stand the negatives, then finding a job when you're ready shouldn't be hard.

Good luck,