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Re: shih tzu dog


It isn't normal but it's a common habit among puppies.

There are a couple of ways to discourage this disgusting behaviour. The first way is to "booby-trap" the feces by spraying it with a taste deterrent such as Bitter Apple spray. You must do this with all the stool and do it consistently for a couple of days.

The other method is to buy a powder such as Forbid from your veterinarian or pet supplier. You must mix the Forbid in the food and it imparts a horrible taste to the feces . . . although I can't imagine that feces taste good to begin with Usually you have to feed the Forbid at each meal for a couple of days.

Another method is to simply clean up the stool as soon as the puppy produces it. This obviously requires a little more diligence on your part and the puppy does not learn that eating stool is bad. Fortunately, they often grow out of this behaviour.

Good luck. How is the other training going??


Re: Re: shih tzu dog

Another tip is instead of bitter apple spray you can use pineapple chunks on the poo. This works well and can be cheaper alternative.