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2 Puppies

Hi There!

I was wondering if there were any cons, besides the work involved, in buying 2 puppies (brothers, chocolate labs). We recenly lost our 11 year old lab to cancer and after taking our time to look for a good breeder (6 months) we found 2 little guys who will be ready for a family in October. I was told some stories that they tend to bond if they grow up together and then do not obey. Is this true or a myth?


Re: 2 Puppies

I don't think you will have any problems getting the two dogs to obey as long as you do proper obedience training. If you haven't had experience with obedience, then I suggest classes. Not only are these classes very informative for the owners, but it also provides a forum for the dogs to socialize properly with other dogs.

Yes, labs are a lot of work and you need a lot of space for them to play and exercise. However, having two dogs may be a little LESS work in some respects. Two labs will likely happily play with each other for hours on end, thus saving your arm from endless ball throwing.

The dogs will likely bond with each other but I've never heard of that being a problem. Labs also bond very strongly with their owners too so you shouldn't feel too left out

Make sure you get them both neutered at six months. You wouldn't want them developing sibling rivalry, which can happen when two dogs (usually not neutered) decide to fight for the top dog position after they enter puberty. Labs tend to be fairly happy-go-lucky so we don't see this problem in this breed as often as some of the others.

Good luck. I bet they are way too cute at this age.
