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Veterinary Question and Answer
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Tumor or cyst?

My husband and I are not sure what to do. We have a 17 year old cat named Punkin and we recently found a ping-pong size lump on her belly between her hind legs. It is very soft and does not bother her at all. Her appetite is fine and does not act differntly. She has a check up less than a year ago and the vet said she was in very good health for her age. What do you think it is?

Re: Tumor or cyst?

Well, it could be a tumor or a cyst

Without examining the cat, I have no idea of knowing what it is but, at 17 years of age, I would definitely err on the side of caution and get her to a vet. You say that she had a check up less than a year ago but at her age, that is a very long time.

When you take her in, you should also talk to the vet about a further work up. Bloodwork is always a good idea if you haven't done any in the past six months. You have obviously given her a great long life and the sooner you catch the problems, the longer you will have her.

Good luck. It sounds like she's a special kitty.


Re: Re: Tumor or cyst?

Thank you so much. She is a very special kitty and a very spoiled rotten kitty I will take her in to the vet a.s.a.p.