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Veterinary Question and Answer
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We have a 1 year old part chow chow part border collie (so we have been told). When we adopted him 3 months ago his coat was course and he only shed a small amount. We had him groomed and since he has been shedding uncontrollably. The texture of his coat is now smooth and very soft. We brush him and he loses large amounts of hair. We live in NY State and it is very cold now. We did not expect him to start to loose his winter coat. Is this something to be concerned about? Why would there be such a difference in the texture. Should we consider a change in his diet. We do feed him Adult Science Diet.

Re: Shedding

As long as there are no patches of fur missing and he is otherwise acting fine, you are likely dealing with normal shedding. In certain breeds of dogs, the shedding can be very substantial. I had a Chow and I could have filled pillow cases with his hair during the shedding sheason.

The change in your coat's texture could be due to your dog growing up. A smooth and very soft coat sounds like a healthy coat to me and Science Diet is a good food so I woudn't change that. If you're concerned about the shedding, you can look into certain supplements that help reduce it. They are available over the counter.

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