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marking territory

I have a male Dachshund, and a female dachsund and a female weimaraner also. Draco my male dachsund is go to the bathroom on the guest bedroom bed post, and we have yet to catch him in the act. Any ideas what to do to stop this from going on any longer? Thanks so much for your time. Alissa

Re: marking territory

Does Draco ONLY go on this bedpost or does he urinate everywhere in the house? If this happens to be a favourite bedpost, then why don't you restrict his access to the guest bedroom?

If Draco likes to mark other areas of the household, then you need to retrain him like a little puppy. In other words, if you can't directly supervise him, then he should either be outside or in a crate or kennel (this will, of course, involve crate training Draco). This will allow you to catch him in the act. If you do see him urinate, then you can pick him up, say no so he understands it and take him outside. Praise him if he urinates outside so he gets a better idea of what he is supposed to do. You need to keep on reinforcing this behaviour until he understands that he isn't supposed to mark indoors.

And finally, have ALL the animals in the household been SPAYED and NEUTERED? This is very important for health and behavioural reasons.

Good luck!