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Cocker ears

Our wonderfull little chocolate american cocker has had ear problems since he was 6 months old. He is now 7 years old. He had abalations done to both ears within the 1st year and a half. It has been constant, constant care. I don't think we are winning the battle. He has been treated with every prescription for ear problems. Presently we are bathing or flushing the ears everyday, with medicated shampoo or puppy shampoo.
Our Vet says that the growths on his ear flaps is scar tissue and not to worry about it, just keep it clean. In the last 6 months the "scar tissue" has grown almost 100%. Our little man is some what lethargic at times, is on throid medication. His ears are quite sensitive.
I think I should have a consultation with another Vet.
What would you advise?


Re: Cocker ears

Sorry to hear about your Cocker. Their ears can be sooo frustrating for both the owner and the vet.

A second opinion can be very helpful but please seek out the advice of a specialist (a dermatologist) if you haven't already done so. They can guide you through this very difficult treatment path and tell you when you've done all that you can do. If you live anywhere near a big city, finding a specialist should not be a problem.

Good luck and don't give up!