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Ear Ablation

I was reading about ear ablation on this site and have a question. My 13 yo dalmation has had ear problems for years and my vet recently recommended this surgery since we cannot clear them up with antibiotics and topical treatments. My concern is that she is 13. Would you recommend this surgery for this old of a dog? She is very uncomfortable.

Re: Ear Ablation


As long as your pet is healthy, then this surgery can have a lot of benefits. How can you tell if your pet is "healthy"? At our hospital, we recommend a senior wellness package which includes bloodwork, xrays, thyroid tests and a urinalysis. Often, it also includes an ultrasound of the heart or the abdomen. If there aren't any problems on this type of work-up, then surgery is a strong option.

Good luck. I hope you get this horrible ear problem cleared up.


Re: Re: Ear Ablation

Thank you! I talked to the vet tonight.