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Pit Bull Opinion

I just read the Banning of the Great Dane letter and I was wondering what everyone's views on the American Pit Bull Terrier is? These Great American dogs have had a bad rap as of recent because of a few unknowledgeable people say these dogs attack for no aparent reason. The few people that use these dogs for fighting and other illegal activities are the ones that gives these dogs a bad rap. Yes these dogs can have a temper but from my experience, it's all in how you raise them.

*Punish the Deed, NOT the Breed*

Re: Pit Bull Opinion

I agree with you that the American Pit Bull Terrier is a wonderful breed. Unfortunately there are some bad ones out there and it's not just because they are used for illegal activities. I have seen many dogs who have been poorly trained or not trained at all and have become loaded guns. If people insist on getting one of the dominant breeds of dogs (Rotts, Chows, SharPeis, Dobies etc . . ..) then proper socialization and training is a must. If these people FAIL to teach their pet the required social skills or teach the WRONG social skills, then the people must be punished in the courts. Like you said, punish the deed, not the breed.

If you would like to read more about my ideas on breedism, check out my article at

Thanks for writing!