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Re: Great Danes

Do you really think I am serious about Great Danes being responsible for the Greenhouse Effect?? Uh, maybe you should stop smelling the gas coming from your cows and re-read the article. It was a joke! Yes, I can be accused of a wicked sense of humor but please don't believe that article is serious!

I think Great Danes are wonderful creatures. I have nothing against them. The purpose of writing the article was to show how absurd Breed Specific Legislation is. Do you know they are banning Chows, Rottweilers and "Pit Bulls" (among other breeds) across the United States? Do you know that there are people whose house insurance has been cancelled because they own one of these breeds? This is the crime! I call it Breedism. Blaming the whole breed because of the actions of a small population.

If you love dogs, then get involved with this issue. BSL is becoming more common than you may think.
