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Halti Problem


I purchased the Halti for my 2yr old lab/hound cross about a month ago, I thought it was the greatest thing ever invented, I could finally walk him like a normal dog! But the halti has rubbed the hair off his face and actually cut through the skin, it's healing but I'm worried about using it again, is their another brand that would be gentler on his face, like suede or something? The Halti's not to small, he's still pulling!

Re: Halti Problem

It sounds like you need to do some training along with using the Halti. Have you taken your pet to basic obedience and taught him to heel? At two years of age, you can still teach him a lot of new things.

There are other brands of leaders (Gentle Leader, for example) but I think you will run into the same problem if you don't do any training.

Good luck