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Re: Cocker Ear Infections

Hi Kathie, I just read your post about your dogs infection. My chow Maxine has had chronic ear infection in her left ear for about 8 months. We have tried all different medications, had her ear flushed and nothing helped. After a while the ear started to bleed and finally my vet sent her for a videoscope which showed she had papillary adenocarcinoma. So the treatment for that is the total ear canal ablation which will clear up her infection and hopefully get the tumor of so it don't spread to any of her lymph nodes. Hopefully the cancer has not spread. I have been doing all kinds of research on this and have found many useful sites. I will send u the links. There is also one link I would love for you to see. It's a story about this girl whose cocker (TYBEE) had the operation and is doing fine now. Most of the sites I have visited are very disturbing because you read all the post op complications. such as nerve damage which can sometimes be permanent but most times it goes away within a few weeks or months. I hope this email was useful to you. I know reading tybees story and also emailing her owner has helped me.We have deceided to go ahead with the surgery, Maxine will have it done on this Sat. Because there is no other option for us. If we don't do it it will spread. Please read this first.

Hope this is helpful to you I know what you are going through and if you need to talk or ask any other questions please don't hesitate to email me. Good Luck and God Bless