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Tips for Proper Use of Dog Crates

Tips for Proper Use of Dog Crates:

1. Use or recommend crates for training, NOT as a way of life. Dog owners should know how and when to transition their dogs out of routine crating. Spending 8 hours plus a day, 5 days a week in a crate, for 10 or more years is not our idea of a good quality of life for a dog and may develop self-injurious behaviors, be quite reactive, excitable and difficult to train, become possessive of objects, or show abnormal behaviors.

2. Avoid recommending or using a crate to manage existing home-alone problem behaviors until it is clear these behaviors are not fear motivated. Sample case: a owner crate a dog to prevent him from being destructive during thunderstorms, but the dog tried to break out of the crate.

3. Accustom a dog gradually to not only being confined in a crate, but being confined when alone. Introduce crates properly to make it the most comfortable and secured territory for pets.