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Featured Ads - new for 2013

When placing a classified advert on the website , advertisers now have the option of choosing to have their advert ‘featured’ for as little as £5. Featured Ads will be displayed on Hereford Equestrian’s Facebook which has over 2500 friends, thus giving extra promotion to the advert. Adverts with 2 or more photos will automatically be upgraded to featured ads.

In December, the special offer of one photo being included free with all classified adverts was such a success that the offer is being continued throughout January 2013. But add one or more additional photograph (£5 each) and the advert will also become a featured ad and be displayed on Facebook for the 2500+ followers to see instantly or the next time they view there own Facebook page.

Follow the notes on the ‘Place an Ad‘ form to place your advert.

Those advertising livery or stallions at stud, or any other business, should continue to use the forms available on the business advertising page of the website.

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