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Re: Help with Chief's Interview?

I assisted in a couple of interviews over the years and I asked questions about how you would interact with people. I wanted to know how you would interact with the public. Do you have the ability to keep you cool when someone is yelling at you. Did you have a position where you interacted with people? Did you have any difficulties in those situations? Are you flexible or inflexible. When the sign says no park to corner, do you ticket it when the rear fender is past the sign, the middle of the car, or all of it? Do you work well with others? Have you had jobs where you worked alone on projects or duties or did you have jobs where you worked with others on a regular basis?
Police work is a balance of two diametricly opposed traits. They expect you to work alone and make decisions on your own, but they also expect you to take direction and supervision from above. From what I have seen, those that do the first part very well usually don't take the second part well and those that take supervision well usually don't make decisions on their own.
Those in charge want a balance of good decision making and taking orders. They want someone that can enforce the laws/ordinances but not become a "ticket natzi" but have the ability to do what is necessary when it is not popular or easy. I have always felt my job was more towards compliance rather than enforcement. If I can talk to you and get you to comply I would do that rather than cite you because there is a violation. Now there are times where you can't talk to everyone or remember everyone who says they will do/stop doing something and the tickets come out.
There are two CSO's here at St. Charles PD. A couple of months back we wrote just about the same number of tickets, but when it came to the adjudication hearing for that month the other officer had twice the number of tickets on the docket than I had. I have an 80% compliance rate and they had a 60% compliance rate. They also have a higher voided rate than I have.
I believe my way is better but then again I am prejudiced
I hope this helps some and good luck with the interview.

Re: Re: Help with Chief's Interview?

Thanks for the great insight, the interview went well with a conditional position offered pending the psychological screening and medical examination. Hope to be in the position early July.

Re: Re: Re: Help with Chief's Interview?

Congratulations on getting the position and hope everything goes well for you. It can be a fun job and you get to meet some very nice people along the way.