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What is the use of RAM in computer?

RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of computer memory that is used for temporarily storing data that the computer is currently processing or using. It is a volatile memory, which means that it loses its contents when the computer is turned off. Know more about RAm at

The main use of RAM in a computer is to provide the processor with quick access to the data that it needs to perform tasks. When a computer program is executed, the data that the program needs to access is loaded into RAM from the hard disk or other storage devices. This allows the processor to access the data quickly, without having to wait for it to be retrieved from the slower storage devices.

In addition to storing program data, RAM also serves as a workspace for the processor. As the processor executes instructions, it stores temporary data in RAM, such as the results of calculations, intermediate values, and other data that is needed for processing.

The amount of RAM in a computer can affect its performance, as more RAM allows the computer to store more data and perform more tasks simultaneously. If a computer runs out of RAM, it may become slow or unresponsive, as it has to rely more heavily on slower storage devices to retrieve data.