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RIP Martin Duffy
Re: RIP Martin Duffy

Yes, so sad.
I only felt this way when George Harrison died.

Re: RIP Martin Duffy

Very, very sad news. Just listening to All the people I like are those that are dead.

Re: RIP Martin Duffy

He fell over in his kitchen and badly injured his head. Died from blood on the brain. Very sad. I remember the last Felt gig at Burberries. Afterwards we were all backstage - Martin was crying because his first band had finished and he didn't know what to do next. Ironically of course he went on to have more mainstream success than the rest of the band. Lovely guy.

Re: RIP Martin Duffy

Beautiful story Lee.
Thanks for sharing.

How's the covid btw? :/

Re: RIP Martin Duffy

Martin's son on his father's final days:


Re: RIP Martin Duffy

This is heartbreaking...