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Me and a monkey on the moon, original long sleeve t-shirt

I've got an original white (with black prints) me and a monkey on the moon t-shirt. I love it, and I wouldn't like to see it leave my closet but... I am trying to build a studio and need money for gear...and if there is some substantial interest, maybe I'll let it go. I can take pictures if you're interested.
Otherwise, keep the faith! Lawrence forever

Re: Me and a monkey on the moon, original long sleeve t-shirt

I've also got a serious amount of vintage cuttings from the 80s. NME and whatnot. If there is some substantial interest, please get in touch.

Re: Me and a monkey on the moon, original long sleeve t-shirt

Years ago I left my bag on the train - despite various phone calls the thing was never recovered. Amongst other things in it was my own "Me And A Monkey On The Moon" long sleeve T-Shirt. Always been gutted I lost that.