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EVERYBODY! CHECK THIS OUT! Felt video (Spanish television)

One of the best hidden treasures ever to emerge to surface.
i knew this video exiated.


Is it possible to get the video??


Re: EVERYBODY! CHECK THIS OUT! Felt video (Spanish television)

That is quite an extraordinary find!

Times and songs played:

0:20 - 9:40
Roman Litter
Ballad of the Band (titled incorrectly as Crystal Ball)
The Stagnant Pool

39:45 - 46:40
Sunlight Bathed the Golden Glow

Unless I missed them I notice the bass player (presumably Marco as this time?) is missing.

Re: EVERYBODY! CHECK THIS OUT! Felt video (Spanish television)


Check out this one as well:

from 25:50 on.



Re: EVERYBODY! CHECK THIS OUT! Felt video (Spanish television)


Great! Great! many many thanks.
This is indeed even much metter than the official DVD on Cherry Red.
Also, it is the only live recording I ever saw which feature Maurice Deebank.

Any chance to get a link with just the FELT portion of the video (about 17')?

Any one is willing to torrent it on Dimeadozen or elsewhere?

I have tried with many crab site on the net, but they don not recognize the link since it is not a youtube video.

Any one has already the solution?



Re: EVERYBODY! CHECK THIS OUT! Felt video (Spanish television)

Three files, corresponding to the two Felt segments in the video at Rui's link, then the one from Mathias' link:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The files expire in a week so grab them quickly.

I wanted to put them together into a single compressed movie file but I don't know anything about doing video stuff. Someone out there will know how...

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio


The sound was only in the left channel on the original video, so I converted it to mono

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio

Thanks Paul.

"Whirlpool Vision of Shame" (last song on the video) is missing from the tracklisting.

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio

Many many thanks to everyone involved!

This is a true gem and it is nice to have it on my HD!
(forever breathes the lonely... video!!)

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio

Thanks for posting this. I saw it earlier this week on the the Facebook “Felt : Ballad of the fan, by JC Brouchard” page. I wonder what Lawrence’s thoughts would be if he were to watch this.

I wonder why Martin was playing the bass line on the keyboards and only the bass lines. I really missed his keyboards on “Ballad of the Band”, it really makes the song. I wonder if they had a bass player lined up to play this gig and he/she didn’t show up.

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio

It was around this time that Mick Lloyd left the band and Marco Thomas joined. I'm guessing the possibility that there was a period inbetween when they had no bass player. Or maybe someone didn't get a passport in time!

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio

I'm pretty sure there's a bass guitar being played... by whomever!

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio

As mentioned above, the bass is being provided by Martin's keyboard.

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio

Deebank seems not to mind being called a "total jerk" on ballad of the band. He's just playing his guitar, doing as if he did not hear. Poor Momo...

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio

Yeah, I've always found that pretty funny Levis... poor deebank...

Re: YOUTUBE LINK with fixed audio

btw, this is probably the best video ever on youtube!