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Chat Room

I sure would like to see the old chat room back it use to be so full most nights and now it's hard to find anyone there. I don't get in very often now because of my work schedule but I am hoping that we could pick a weekend night Saturday or Sunday and set a time so we will know someone will be into chat.
I am free this weekend so I will go into chat at 5:30 west coast time on Saturday hope to see some of you there.
Love yous guys
Jimmy's mom

Re: Chat Room

hi Shirley, I've tried a few times but it said I needed some java enabled something or other. Do I have that somewhere?
Hope your day is okay

Re: Chat Room

I will try to come into chat on Sat. also. I am not going to promise since I have to work with teenagers all day but I will try. Love ya.

Re: Chat Room

Just google java download, download it into your computer then you should be able to get into the chat room with no problem.
Love and Hugs
Jimmy's Mom

Re: Chat Room

I finally had some free time tonight and went to the chat room but no one was in there.

Re: Chat Room

Sorry I didn't make it into chat. My back was hurting too much. I will try tonite around 8:30 eastern standard time. I hope to see some of u ladies there. A lot would be even better!!