Maine Fishing Reports from The Rangeley Lakes Region

Check our Maine fishing forum for fishing reports from Registered Maine Guides and Fishing Tackle Shops in the Rangeley Lakes Region of Western Maine. The Rangeley Lakes Region is a four reason resort area reknown for fly fishing and trolling for trophy size Landlocked Salmon and Brook Trout.

Maine Fishing Reports from The Rangeley Lakes Region
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$100,000 Cash Prize for Maine Record Togue at the Sebago Lake Ice Fishing Derby on February 14 & 15

2015 Tom Noonan Cup Togue Derby on Sebago Lake


FREE Fishing Weekend (Feb. 14 & 15) – No Fishing License Required

Tournament Dates: Saturday, February 14 & Sunday, February 15th, 2015. The derby will once again be in cooperation with Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The tournament is intended to be a fish management tool targeting both invasive species along with illegally introduced species that are also considered invasive. Please see 2015 Derby rules and regulations for details.

Waters Included: Sebago Lake. Click here for current Sebago Lake ice conditions.

Weigh Station Times: 7 AM to 5 PM. It’s a 5 PM sharp close on Sunday – Anglers need to be in line prior to 5 PM. Click here for our Weigh Stations Map

Winner Determination: Winners will be ranked by weight. First tie breaker will longest length, Second tie breaker will be earliest time weighed.

Fish Limits: Derby limit is 6 togue per angler per day. Anglers must be present at weigh station to enter their fish.

All State Regulations Apply to the Derby including:

Sebago Lake: No bag limit for togue under 23 inches and no minimum length limit. Daily bag limit on togue greater than 33 inches: 1 fish. All togue between 23 – 33 inches must be released alive at once. Closed to all fishing within 100 feet of White’s Bridge.

Entry Fees: Individual $25.00, Family $35.00 (2 Adults and up to 4 Children). Click here for downloadable and online entry forms. Entries may be purchased via US Mail and online until 12 noon on Saturday, February 14th.

Ways to Win!

Top Prize $100,000 for catching a togue on Sebago larger than the state record. (31 pounds 8 ounces).
Prizes for top 3 places for largest togue and top 3 largest pike. 2015 Prize Pool to be announced soon.
Fish pool prizes: every togue and pike weighed gets a chance to win
Every entry goes into the Prize drawing of a 2015 Polaris Sportsman ETX ATV from West-Port Motorsports. (Even if you don’t fish!)

Re: $100,000 Cash Prize for Maine Record Togue at the Sebago Lake Ice Fishing Derby on February 14

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