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San Diego Courtyard Marriot Address for this WEEKEND!!!!


Here is the address for San Diego Courtyard Marriot:

Courtyard Marriott
8651 Spectrum Center Blvd
San Diego, CA 92123

PH: 858-573-0700

I know Herb passed out directions from Hotel to Gyms, but parents make mapquest from your homes to hotel & gyms to gyms etc.

Courtyard Marriott Hotel has reserved a Banquet Meeting Area for our whole Swift Family Saturday & Sunday mornings for breakfast. You will just get your food from the buffet section and come back and eat in our reserved room. Breakfast time is from 6:30am - 10:00am.

Parents, please have your kids 45 minutes before each game so they can be focus and ready to play.

Any concerns or questions call Coach Herb at 951-515-3670.

Margaret K.